Master's candidate in red cap and gown

Online Programs FAQs

以下是关于十大博彩推荐排名州立大学在线课程的常见问题. Have a question that you don’t see answered below? Contact us.

  1. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学在线课程的入学资格是什么?
    我们的在线学士学位课程的入学要求因课程而异. Find your online undergraduate program.  For graduate programs, 我们的许多课程不要求GRE/GMAT考试成绩或在特定领域的本科工作. Find your online graduate program.
  2. Is the Online Program accredited? Why is accreditation important?
    Montclair State University is accredited by the Commission on Higher Education 美国中部大学和学校协会主席. 认证确保项目符合国家认可的标准, provides a formal process for ongoing assessment, 并加强和维持该机构的质量和诚信. In addition, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的课程,以准备教师和其他学校专业人员, including educational leaders, 由教育工作者准备认证委员会(CAEP)认证. 欲知详情,请浏览大学网页 Accreditations and Memberships page.
  3. 完成课程后我的毕业证书上写的是什么?
    十大博彩推荐排名州立大学(Montclair State University)的在线课程由与在校教师相同的合格教师授课. 完成课程后,学生将获得与在校毕业生相同的文凭. 成绩单和文凭都不会显示“在线”.”
  4. 如果我在网上获得学位,我可以参加校园毕业典礼吗?
    是的,欢迎你参观十大博彩推荐排名州立大学校园. Our campus is a leafy, 250-acre oasis in the town of Montclair, New Jersey, just 14 miles from New York City.
  5. How much does the program cost?
    我们的许多完全在线的课程都降低了学费. See Financing Your Online Education.
  6. 我什么时候可以开始我的在线研究生学位或证书?
    Many of our online programs are offered in short, accelerated sessions, so you can get started as soon as you are ready. 看到即将到来的日期开始您的在线课程在十大博彩推荐排名.
  7. Does Montclair State University offer financial aid?
    十大博彩推荐排名州立大学通过贷款帮助符合条件的学生支付教育费用, grants and scholarships.  See Financing Your Online Education.
  8. 什么是学生健康保险豁免和注册?
    The following students are required to have health insurance that meets University requirements:

    • 研究生修习九(9)个或以上学分.

    **所有全日制学生都必须购买健康保险,并自动将健康保险费用记入学生账户. 如果你不想/不需要学校赞助的健康保险,你有责任在网上提交健康保险豁免.**

  9. 我能在网上完成所有的必修课程吗?
    许多课程都是100%在线的,所有的工作都可以不用来学校就能完成. For the MFA low-residency program, please visit the College of the Arts.
  10. How will I take the online courses?
    Your coursework will be completed on Canvas. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的在线课程采用用户友好的网络环境,为您提供所有相关课程信息, access to learning materials and activities, 有机会与同学和教授合作, 以及评估,使您能够展示您对课程的理解和掌握. 虽然每个讲师可能会提供不同的课程内容, 在你所有的课程中都会有一个共同的用户环境. 您将使用各种适合教学的在线工具,以最大限度地提高您的互动和学习效果. View the Online Learning Guide.
  11. 学生是否需要在特定的时间上网?
    对于大多数课程,学生不需要在特定的时间在线. 这种异步时间表为你提供了获得学位所需的便利和灵活性,同时还能平衡生活中的优先事项.
  12. Can I take some classes online and some on campus?
    The online program is designed to be purely online, so in most cases, you will be able to take all classes online. For the MFA low-residency program, please visit the College of the Arts.
  13. I have taken some graduate courses. Can I transfer those credits to this program?
    在其他认可的学院或大学或十大博彩推荐排名州立大学完成的不超过六个学期的学分可以转入研究生学位课程. 有资格转入十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的课程必须是研究生水平的课程,成绩必须达到“B”或更高. Students can work with the program coordinator 在入学时确定课程是否适用.
  14. 我的本科课程可以转多少学分?
    十大博彩推荐排名州立大学认为,在高中毕业或获得同等高中文凭后,在地区认可的学院或大学学习了16个或更多学分的转学生. Review our Transfer FAQs 了解一些最常见的转学录取问题的答案.
  15. 这个项目每周需要多长时间?
    一般来说,学生每门课程每周将花费大约9个小时. Once enrolled in a course, 建议您在开始学习单元之前简要浏览一下学习单元中的学习内容. Don’t spend too much time reading the content, just get a sense of what topics are covered, how much reading is required, and what kind of activities or tests are included. 计划一下你一次能做多少事情,并为完成任务分配时间. 制定具体的、现实的、有时间限制的计划,并坚持你的计划,直到完成为止.
  16. How do I purchase textbooks?
    You may purchase textbooks online through our Bookstore or as directed by the academic department. Your textbooks will need to be shipped. 请预留足够的时间,确保课本在上课前送达. 一些课程材料也可以下载.
  17. How do I register for online classes?
    一旦被录取,你就可以通过以下方式注册你的课程 NEST. Registration instructions for NEST.
  18. How do I apply?
    Click here to apply.
  19. Is there an application fee?
  20. I still need help. How do I speak with someone in Montclair Online? Contact us.
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